
Vol. 1 Issue 1 - Available May 1

Just to give you a heads up, the "Winter 2012/13" issue of the print version of On The Wall will be hitting all your local skate & record shops that will let me leave them there on or around May 1st 2013.
and then work will begin on the "Summer 2013" issue. If you would like to contribute to On The Wall
then hit us up on facebook: www.facebook.com/OnTheWallZine there should be a MESSAGE button in the top right hand corner..

Comp Cover

There is still a plan to sell an On The Wall compilation album as well, and we've extended the due date for that to April 15th give or take.  So if you happen to be in an Edmonton band and are down for donating a track to help me cover printing costs I would love to hear from you.

The compilations will be available as a digital download for $2.00 or a 60 minute Cassette with digital download card for $3.00 if you are grabbing it from my hand at a gig, in a coffee shop, or at whatever places will take them on consignment. For those interested in obtaining a copy by mail I'll be setting up some sort of Paypal thing-ma-jig for you to be able to order it.  Mail order copies will be $5.00 including shipping, for CONTINENTAL NORTH AMERICA, and $7.00 to the rest of the world. ALL mail order copies of the zine will come with a mix tape. So sadly we can't rock those out for free.

Keep your eyes open.

- Jim Nowhere


Cover art layout by Jim Nowhere
Photos by Jim Nowhere / Kalan Olsen-Peet
Photo Edits by Jim Nowhere
5-0 Nose Grab: Matt Shnell
Bowl Carve: Kalan Olsen-Peet
Boneless: Matt Cunningham
Graffiti artists unknown

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