
Do you like FREE STUFF?

I know that we like free stuff, specifically free stuff that we can listen too.  So here is the situation, we've gone and setup an Instagram feed, because that is what all the cool people are doing, or something.  We even tossed a link to it over on the right hand side of the page --->

But more importantly now we want to give stuff away for free, to people who want to interact with us on instagram. That's right, give stuff away to YOU, THE READER. Odd, I know.

So here is the deal, over the next while if you happen to bail, or focus (What? No one says "Focus" anymore? Okay, so.. Snap, Break, Destroy then..) your deck just hope that someone caught a photo of it.  Then you take said photo, toss it up on the `ol InstaLame and make sure that you tag it for us to see.

@OnTheWallZine #BrokenBoards

We're gonna pick out our favourite TEN over the next little while and hook you all up with a FREE download of the File Under Music compilation, and include the photos in the next issue of On The Wall.

Out of those ten photos we're going to choose ONE to be featured on the cover of Vol.1 Issue 2: Broken Boards (Due out Dec 13)

Here's the kicker, this contest is open WORLDWIDE, so EVERYONE can enter it, not just the kids around here.

We want to see it all.

- Jim Nowhere

Ed note: IF you are a winner we will be contacting you on Instagram and asking you to email us your photo to use, and sending you the download code at that time.
No Purchase required, Open to All.
On The Wall Zine is not responsible for any injuries or damage to property that may occur due to this contest.

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