
Eye Awake.

June 26th 2013.
The Studio in west Edmonton, AB.
Eye Awake takes the stage and starts things off.
I'm not quite sure what I was expecting, maybe I was expecting a metal band, or possibly a punk band.
They surprised me, straight up 90s alt rock.
With song titles like "concrete pillow case" and the hard/soft/hard that the Pixies and Nirvana made work so well. Comes natural to them, this is after all, what I suspect, they grew up listening too.
From what i've known of his previous projects, I don't think that Gill (the drummer) has ever played this slow, 90 - 120 bpm, in a band, before.
Solid gig, solid band, and quite a pleasant surprise. Eye Awake reminding me of what I loved about bands like Silverchair, and Filter, and oh so many others. 

- Jim Nowhere


Extended Absense

This extended absence from posting is brought to you by Corpsy and Lucky Bearings
not that they actually sent me cash, or know anything about this..
but the clip gets me pumped to skate every damned day
so.. keep you eyes open for some coverage dropping eventually, and issue 1.5 out mid September.

- Jim Nowhere

Lucky Bearings Company
@LuckyBearings Twitter


Looking Back on July 13, 2013

DV8 Underground
8130 Gateway Blvd
Edmonton, AB
July 13th, 2013

The Cleaners, Anatomy Cats, The Rhubarbs, Down The Hatch, Rebuild/Repair
cross posted with deadcity.ca/press

Rocked into the "new" location for DV8 Tavern, nay now DV8 underground, somewhere in the vicinity of 9:30pm.  Luckily, and oddly, I had remembered to bring my Dead City press pass with me, I'm not even sure who else (besides Landon & MraeD) has one... However, since an accident back in December, I'm still lacking a non broken lens for my DSLR so sadly I was unable to get any photos. (Rita Hex took some shots, however I have yet to obtain any of them.)
Full disclosure. 
DV8 Underground has probably my favourite crowd of regulars in Edmonton. Hell it's possibly my favourite venue in Edmonton, certainly top 2 (as I'd say it's probably a coin flip, and depending on who is playing.)  DV8 Underground is run by good people. People that will go out of their way to help a touring band.  This actually brings us to the first band of the night "The Cleaners".

The Cleaners

The Cleaners are kind of a greaser/blues/punk band, and they were already tearing up the stage when MraeD and I walked in.  This is the only band on the bill that I've never shared a stage with.  According to the pile of business cards sitting on their mersh table The Cleaners are a "UK/Canadian offbeat Rock n' Growl Band"
About mid set, between one gnarly song and another steezy Rock-a-Billy tune, we get a little bit of band history.  Turns out, at least one of them did an acoustic tour of Canada last year.  They dug the country so much that they moved permanently to Saskadelphia, err, Saskatchewan.  Provided that I heard the spiel correctly. Anyways... The Cleaners are currently mounting a cross Canada tour.
Brittany, the lass with the growl on the mic, bounces effortlessly across the stage. The Cleaners pour intense energy into the room, feeding off the love and energy that the room gives back. You could almost feel the electricity in the air.  My only issue with these cats is that I missed the first half of their set.

Anatomy Cats

Once again, in the interest of full disclosure, I should mention that I consider these guys to be friends of mine. Having said that, it's been far too long since I've last seen the Anatomy Cats live. So, I was standing outside talking shop, catching up, basically shooting the shit with Dustin and Nolan (StruggleFucks, Micelli, others...) and we hear the distinctive clack of drumsticks on a four count. From that point on Blake and company tear a hole through the fabric of space and time.  We're all transported back to the mid to late 1980s, the din of D. Boon going off on a spiel about politics, the smell of Greg Ginn's sweat soaked guitar, you get the picture.
Attending, watching, and listening to the Anatomy Cats live is probably as close to catching an early Propagandhi concert as any of us are likely ever going to get (aside from late night VHS bootlegs that is...) These working class boys from Fort Saskatchewan (located about 20 - 35 minutes north of Edmonton on Manning Dr. NW) live the lives they sing about.  There is no moral or ethical ambiguity to be found here.
One could classify the Anatomy Cats as a Hardcore band, you wouldn't be wrong. You could also classify them as a Punk band, even an EMO band (mind to me EMO still is a word used to describe bands like Husker Du and Jawbreaker.) The Anatomy Cats are as punk as it comes, yet so much more. Hell call them a Thrash band, no one would dare to question your thought process.  But again they are so much more.
These boys, nay, men, come from a long line of humanist Canadian Punk Rock. Checkout the song "Selectively Blind" [Track 6 on A Matter Of Minutes] it would fit perfectly on any D.O.A./SNFU/Propagandhi setlist. As it was the fifth song they played, it helped to further open the minds of all in the room, including those of us who have already been converted. Since their last album these cats have been working on some new material, and its working for them, as the next tune to really draw the crowd in was "Breaking the Walls Against Racism (Tear Them Down)" reminding us all that the global struggle for equality is still just beginning. Unlike some "Political Punk" bands we never feel as though the Anatomy Cats are talking down to us. Instead its like were all equals, just sitting down over a pot of tea, or a pint, and having a conversation about how to make this spinning rock we call home a better place for all of those who inhabit it.
Side note: Is it strange that I wish the songs were longer? You know, coming from the guy who wrote Zero Cool's "Gossip" and "Nineteen Eighty Four" that both clock in somewhere between 35 - 55 seconds (depending upon the recording, or the live tempo)?
Tonight we were treated to a very special event as Blake invited Jerm Hex (Micelli, StruggleFucks, Former Whiskey Wagon, etc..) on stage to play their last couple songs with them.  The first (w/ Jerm) was a tune that I had not heard before, but even in this moderately sized room with the guitar sounds bouncing back at me from all angles, I became aware that part of me just changed for the better. 
Their closing song “Destroy / Exploit” a poignant diatribe about what we’re facing here in Canada under the (Mussolini styled) Fascist Stephen Harper and even more so here in Alberta with our seventy plus years of further and further right wing voting giving us our current crop of small “c” conservatives.  At the end of the song, as the teardown begins to take place, I find a note I made years earlier when I first shared a bill with them; “The Anatomy Cats are a band that I believe will make you a better Human.” The results of what I’ve seen in the last three years would certainly say that this hypothesis is correct.
Full disclosure, every band that I'm reviewing for the rest of this tale are friends of mine. The following is probably going to read a little bit like a bunch of bro-grabs. Now that we have that out of the way....
Between the end of the Anatomy Cats and the start of the Rhubarbs, the population in DV8 Underground easily doubled in size.  So it's pretty safe to say that the new location is working out well for them.  That and folks who were wandering past when The Cleaners/Anatomy Cats were on decided they better come on down and check out this gig.

The Rhubarbs

Funny story, for the first four years that I had known their bassist, I could have sworn his name was Dan. It's Mike. We got that sorted out when we finally hung out, not at a gig, when I had him deliver a copy of their LP to me. See... it was funny. (And before you say it, I was not confusing him for Dan, I am aware they are two different people.)
In some respects the Rhubarbs are almost the exact opposite kind of punk band from the Anatomy Cats, mind all of those are stylistically.  They just come from a different school is all.  Raised on the Ramones, some Descendants, a bit of Minor Threat, and with a little Replacements thrown in for flavour. This is working very well for them.  It also appeared to be working well for the second influx of people who arrived shortly after they took the stage.
This wondrous juxtaposition in sounds, four on the floor, 135 bpm, straight up punk rock keeps the crowd bobbing, the floor moving. From my vantage point near the back of the room the movements of the crowd almost appeared to be like that of a wave crashing against the rocks. The harder the `Barbs played, the more the crowd got into it, and the harder those waves just kept crashing, a beautiful circle of passion and energy.
When I was first introduced to them it was a cold December, one of those Festivus fundraiser gigs I put on every year.  Since then they have dropped the second guitar, gotten tighter as a band, and started to wear their influences on the set list. Words fall short of expressing how much the Rhubarbs have grown as a band in the couple years.
Adding a cover of the legendary D.C. Hardcore Punks Minor Threat's "Seeing Red" near the midway point of the set fits right in with their original tunes.  It all makes perfect sense, kind of like adding a thin layer of brown sugar, as a crust, on top of a rhubarb pie. I actually have a very delicious recipe for rhubarb pie, and these men have a delicious Rhubarb recipe for your eardrums.

Down The Hatch

One knows that it's going to be a good set when Joey takes the stage shirtless, doesn't even bother with the pretense that it might be a mellow set. Keelan hits the four count and Rob's bass begins to come thundering through.  For those of you who are not yet aware, Down The Hatch is a punk band by way of Lagwagon, Black Flag, Black Sabbath, and a myriad of other Metal/Punk bands.. genres never make much sense anyways... mind they sound nothing like Lagwagon, or Black Flag, or Black Sabbath, Joey just has these intense riffs that attack you, just like each of the aforementioned bands.
Now, if you didn't know that Down The Hatch is a three piece band, and you're not looking at the stage, you would swear that there was probably five or six guys up there. They have a HUGE sound, one that they have been developing for a while, one they have somehow managed to develop while downsizing after losing a frontman/second guitarist, had the original ox of a bassist ship off across the Atlantic ocean never to be seen in this part of the world again, and picking up what most folks thought was going to be a timid man on the thunder stick.  Sure Rob isn't near as intimidating on stage to look at, but his sound, my friends, his sound provides the perfect punch and counter balance to Joey's two (or is it three now?) guitar amplifier setup. Now in the middle of all of this sits Keelan, possibly one of the hardest hitting and dynamic drummers Edmonton has ever seen, and I've ever had the pleasure to watch and listen too.  Most don't quite realize everything he does behind his fortress of “sound-itude”, but you have to understand, he more then holds his own against two wizards of electric mayhem and volume mastery.
So, how do I know of this mythology of Down The Hatch? Aside from first having been introduced to them sometime in early 2007, where I played an acoustic set opening for them at the Wunderbar. Since that time I've probably played forty gigs with them, while I was in Zero Cool,  and seen them another twenty or so.  Hell I even shipped off copies of Fiasco! and Space Goat to a couple different record companies in hopes of having them get picked up...  I guess at this point it becomes obvious that not only am I friends with them, but I'm a fan of what they are doing.
From the looks of the crowd still inside of DV8 Underground, and the few more people who wandered in, everyone in the room is as well. Even if, before this very evening, they had never even heard the name, Down The Hatch, or their music before. By the time Joey is singing the second chorus of "Rock n' Roll High School Dropout" most of the bar is singing along.
Since the last time I was able to make it out to a DTH show they've written a few new tunes, retired others, and started asking the audience what they should play. A gamble of some acts, but one that pays off, as much like the Anatomy Cats, DTH has made their entire back catalog available for free online via bandcamp. This has allowed a lot of new fans to learn the tunes and make concepts like this workout. It's also good news for all of you, as you can now go and acquire the albums, mind a physical CD is a whole $5.00 or you can trade a fresh beer for one at a show, so really its win/win for all involved.
So how to explain the intensity, energy, and the power coming off the stage from a band that has self financed and released two albums and one EP (only the most recent album and EP are available.) Maybe its because they come from the DIY skateboarding scene, where its about building something that will last. See, personally, I still consider DTH as skate-punk band. Not shitty Bro-Skate like say, Pennywise, more akin to (Thrasher Magazine's) Bad Shit, but actually serious about what they do. Maybe it's best described by how they can pull up KP (Zero Cool) to sing ETS Blues. It's a fifteen to twenty second song that encompases all the frustration we feel everyday in this city, but is so satirical that most of our "fine" city will never be able to understand.
Edmonton, we need more bands like this. 
Now, with a bill this loaded, and a lineup this good, something bad was bound to happen. Sadly it did, Jon, the bassist for Rebuild/Repair came down with something evil, he couldn't make the show. There was talk for a bit that the band may drop off the bill of their own CD release. There was brief talk that I might even fill in on the thud stick for the night. Fortunately, neither of those things came to pass. Randall picked up some sort of octave pedal, and a line splitter, and words were said, small prayers possibly, and the gods of rock allowed the show to go on, as it must.

Rebuild / Repair

Ever since the first note, of their very first show, I've been sold on these guys. I've said it from the beginning, and now three EPs in it is even more true. Rebuild/Repair is Edmonton's much awaited and longed for answer to Flipper.
A little back story, indulge me.  I first met Randall, god knows how long ago, probably at a gig, but it wasn't until Twitter that we really actually got to talking about random things. Jon I probably met eons ago on one edmonton forum or another, but I suspect indecline. Kelly, he's just always been around, I think... but we never talked until the band formed. Now ever since Rebuild/Repair formed and started to do their thing, I have attempted to get every person I've met into them.  In this time, I'd like to think, we've become friends, possibly colleagues, and over this past May long weekend, we became tour mates. Shockingly no one was tossed out of the Dodge while traversing that devilish piece of Highway One (aka the Trans-Canada) somewhere between Regina and Winnipeg. We made a 3000+ KM journey across the great Canadian prairies, for basically a bit less than the cost of gasoline to do so (after gig money, and merch money that is.)
Somewhere just before we hit the road I was even approached to do the art for the new EP "Arson Awareness Day". Though asked to do it not in my normal abstract style, but something more akin to what I've been playing with art wise, something more like my Edmonton Bands series, or perhaps the Insta-Sketch series. (The Edmonton Band series did include a painting of Rebuild/Repair, among a few others..)
So what I'm saying here, is I'm a bit biased when it comes to these guys.
So, on July 13th 2013, as Rebuild/Repair releases their brand new EP, they will play their first (and quite possibly only) gig as a two piece. I mentioned it earlier that Jon couldn't make it out. Randall's last minute purchases, and slightly more self deprecating than usual demeanor played into the hands of the crowd. It sounded near as good.  The crowd was eating it up, some cats even started to "Pogo". It was kinda like 1983 again, and much like earlier in the evening I felt like we had all been transported to an earlier time.
A time when Punk was an attitude, not an image. A germ of an idea, before we all had to sound the same. When records were a document of a period in time, not some way to "get rich" and be over analyzed by the same sort of music nerd that would type up some long winded diatribe about a local punk gig...
"This one's off our new EP. It sounds better with a bass player." Randall explains before breaking out into a slightly sludgier version of Arson Awareness Day, the title track of the new album. The people are into it, as they should be. This is the music of the people, cranked past eleven, we should be hearing it eeking out of back alleys, burnt out basement dwellers, and garages.. in a perfect world.
"This one is some avant garde bullshit... then we have three more" Our reluctant hero mumbles before kicking into one of my new personal favourite tunes Post-Industrial City-States. In finding that much sought after harmony between droned out sludge and intense power, you can feel it taking its toll on the bodies that remain, as the night ebbs towards its end. Rebuild/Repair sets up for a Shellac like death mantra closing out the night with Summary's Falling Out/Burning Down and Relics' Failure Scene. Those of us who managed to survive into the wee hours of the morning, still wanting to take more from Rebuild/Repair, begging, pleading, chanting... to no avail.
I recall something about Randall saying he wasn't sure if they could do any of their other tune justice without Jon on the bass, Kelly just grinned. The band had accomplished what they set out to do. The thoughts of modern radio rock obliterated from our minds.
Rebuild/Repair is the band you're looking for.

- Jim Nowhere



...they're just a bunch of kids with growing pains, they'll probably be doctors and lawyers someday.

Let me set the scene for you, it's mid evening on August 12th 2013 and I'm headed down to this little venue in Red Deer, AB called Slumland Theatre.  They've been around now for just over a year, I think, located on Ross St just west of Allrose Skateboards, but to find them, you have to go around back.. where there is plenty of parking, a faded no skateboarding sign, and then a small sign above a door, it reads SLUMLAND.  They're an all ages + licensed venue run by a super rad chick, and a whole lot of volunteers.

As usual I'm late to arrive, but looks like I'm the only one who is as there is a good crowd out tonight, and considering its a monday, this tells me a lot about what is going to be going down. There were a few folks milling about when I pulled up, and the sound of Saskatchewan's The Man And His Machine was echoing up the stairwell.  This of course means that I missed Edmonton's Lucid Skies, a band currently on a reunion tour, and one that I've actually never seen play. So as I wander towards the door, and quickly send a reply message to Slumland Theatre's owner Desiree to let her know that I've arrived, the live music stops, I hear a swell of crowd cheering, and then.. a flood of people heading out for fresh air, the need to cool off, and probably smoke a cigarette.
I have now missed the first two bands.
So; Lucid Skies & The Man and His Machine for this I apologize  I'm not accustomed to early shows, or ones that even start on time, and sets that are super quick.

Sea Of Dead Serpents

Next up is Red Deer's newest "Hardcore" band Sea Of Dead Serpents, a lot of the nights turn out was there for them, parents of band members, co-workers, random folk just wanting to see something new, people that probably would never have checked out the venue if it wasn't for this. Probably close to seventy people when all is said and done, though that does include members of the other bands, and myself... Hopefully this is a sign that the venue will be able to stick around for a while.

First thoughts; Sea of Dead Serpents is a grimy guitar, distorted bass, double kick on the drums, and screeching vocals. So this is what the kids are calling Hardcore.  The drummer & another member of the band are related to Desiree, brothers in fact, though their placement on the bill wasn't due to that family bond, they deserved second billing. Before starting up they dedicate their set to the singers mom who, without giving or going into much detail, has spent the last couple nights in the ICU ar Red Deer Hospital, He wants us to understand how painful this situation can be, for anyone.

Then the first song starts, sixty seconds long and a wall of noize bathes over us, the aural equivalent of a show to the groin. Quite enjoyable, if you're into that sort of thing, or so I'm told. I'm not into the shoe to the groin, but I'm starting to get into what they're doing.  Structured like a hybrid of Fugazi, the pAper chAse, early (read: the good part) Korn, and Fucked Up.  Furious lead riffs that owe a lot to Greg Ginn, drums that finally provide me with proof that double kick can actually work, and a fuzzed out bass holding down the low end. Their frontman & vocalist stands tall, ever the general in this audio assault  his voice is gruff, his screams shrill, but yet you can actually understand what the hell he is saying.

Four songs in and the microphone has died, it wouldn't be a punk show without some sort of technical difficulties... A quick cable and microphone change and we're back in business. "I wanna see this whole place move. Don't be a bunch of fucking pussies!" the General exclaims, owing as much to the Cancer Bats as to King Buzzo and Keith Morris, before the energy from the band explodes from off stage and into the audience. Up front a mosh pit has been going since the second song, and now a circle pit has formed within this tight space, even the cats hanging out at the back are bobbing their heads and looking to get in on the action. Though with the songs being so short, :50 - 1:20 minutes, it makes it hard to keep the crowd flowing in this chaotic fashion.

One can tell that Sea Of Dead Serpents is working on it, as we currently get a short spiel before each tune, trying to keep the crowd hyped. Not yet putting songs into blocks to keep things flowing, also not quite sure how to approach the people wanting more, but as this is only their second or their show it'll come. The stage presence is already there, and I'm kinda digging it. They saved, in my opinion, probably their best song for last, it's a little longer then the others and shows that they aren't a one trick pony, showing the yet to be realized potential this band has. Once they have a recording, it could easily find a place on any throwback to 90s "grind-core" compilation someone may want to compile.


Aka,  or perhaps formerly, or maybe featuring members of, Hhogwash. I never actually asked, or bothered to sort it out, maybe I will in the future.  While waiting for the rest of the band to finish soundcheck, and for people to come back down into the venue, their frontman scours the room. Looking for something, searching for anything, his eyes scan the room, like a wolf searching for prey.

I'm already excited.

Bonfire hails from the desolate wastelands of Saskatoon, SK. They're currently on tour with Lucid Skies and The Man and His Machine, bringing their brand of Punk/Hardcore/Post-Hardcore westward trying to spread the message. They start off their set with a feedback drenched cacophony and a slow dirge.  I find myself wondering "Why, or more so how, I've never heard them before? Why haven't they played a gig with Black Mastiff and Rebuild/Repair at DV8? How come Cody (from Exoskeleton) never told me about them?" and then the song ramps up, most of the people have trickled back in, and the room become alive.  Goth grrls, Punks, Metal heads, that girl named Mute, all rocking out. I wouldn't call it moshing, there was no pit, but it wasn't quite dancing either... much more primal, some strange hybrid of hippy love movements and the bodies intense desire to become one with the music.

Lets discuss the band for a moment, we'll start with the bass. Looking as much like a 1991 Krist Novoselic, as someone who isn't nearly as tall can, shoeless and bouncing about on stage. To his right, our left, the singer, channeling a 1985 long haired Henry Rollins, intimidating. No fear of the audience, he chooses to join them, at random, throughout the set. His guttural vocals are juxtaposed with his soft spoken and friendly between song banter. Next in this circle is their guitarist, lost in his own world, between facing the wall, his amp, and the drummer... he is all over the stage.  Think Billy Tallent, not the band, lurching and wandering bumping into Joe Dick. Then when finally facing the crowd going crazy, I become afraid for that thin line telecaster he has chosen for his weapon. He plays it like it owes him money, a lot of money, and has a guitar tone that would probably make D. Boon smile. Now behind all of this sits our man tending the skins, the oft forgotten about drummer. If you saw him on the street you'd never suspect he was in a band, you might mistake him for a mormon missionary, he might be actually... I don't know him, and we never spoke, so unless they band informs me I'll never know.  Yet here, in his element, behind the kit, he truly is on a mission, preaching a different sort of gospel, the gospel of Donny Paycheck (Zeke) and the gospel of Matt Camron (Scratch Acid, Soundgarden, others...) If he was a local cat, or I had any plans of moving to Saskatoon, I'd try and steal him for a project or two.

All of this combines into a rather beautiful mess. One that I enjoy. One that I can't take home because they don't have any albums with them. Though they've been dropping songs online over the past couple weeks, and will be putting more up over the next few as well, getting people hyped about a new album they have coming out. Bread from Flipper and Low, The Melvins and Harvey Milk, if this is the future of Hardcore, or Post-Hardcore, or whatever genre people are calling it, I need to check out more shows. I'm beginning to wonder if (eastern Canada's) Kittens are going to be playing next, its just that kind of night.

At the end of it, as the last note fades from our ears, Bonfire looks drained, exhausted, they have given us everything that each of them has in them, the look about to fall apart. The crowd, not quite done with them, screams and yells, demanding one more song.... it almost happens, but something just didn't work, the exhaustion has won out, and had they managed to do another track I suspect that the exhaustion would have taken all of us as well.

- Jim Nowhere

Slumland Theatre - http://www.facebook.com/slumlandpromotions
Lucid Skies - http://www.facebook.com/LUCIDSKIES780
The Man And His Machine - http://www.facebook.com/themanandhismachine
Bonfire - http://www.facebook.com/BonfireSK

Cross posted on DeadCity.ca/press


Fundraiser Swag

So... remember those skateboards & wheels that we were gonna give away last Sunday at McKernan, before I got evil sick and couldn't make the sesh?

They looked like this:

Remember them now?

I'm gonna raffle one of the decks and a set of wheels off this afternoon at Kaskitayo.
Like 4ish.
Then later in the evening, say 8ish CRBM is going to raffle off the other deck and set of wheels.
Still at Kaskitayo.
The party kinda goes on all day.

a: How the deal works.

Raffle Tickets for the DECKS are $5 or THREE for $10
Raffle Tickets for the WHEELS are $3 or THREE for $5

IF you buy your tickets before the first draw, you'll still be in for the second one that happens later in the evening.

IF you buy your tickets after the first draw, the price is the same, but you missed out on a chance to win already.

Here's the other thing, when we draw the ticket, You're gonna have to yell really loudly to let us know you've won. So make sure you stick around for it, cuz if you haven't claimed the prize in like 30 seconds, we're gonna rip up that ticket, and draw another one. No second chances. Its shitty, I know.
But we want you to spend the day enjoying punk rock with us, and thats easier to do if YR around.

b: Here's the deal.

Sometime around 4pm, I'm gonna draw a ticket from the bowl/cup/god knows what that says WHEELS on it. IF YR number gets called. You yell, scream, whatever and make YR way to where I'm announcing (probably the PA) and I'm gonna hand you a set of ZERO SKATEBOARDS WHEELS. We take a crappy instagram photo, maybe two and then you wander away and do whatever you want with your new wheels.
About 30 seconds after that happens I'm gonna draw another ticket from a different bowl/cup/god knows what that says DECK on it. IF YR number gets called. You yell, scream, whatever and make YR way to where I'm announcing (probably the PA) and I'm gonna hand you a KROOKED SKATEBOARDS GONZ DECK. We take a crappy instagram photo, maybe two and then you wander away and do whatever it is with a slightly used, not cracked, maybe warped deck, that you want to do. 

Then sometime after that I leave.. BUT if you bought a ticket for either or both of the items, YOU stay, you skate, you do whatever. THEN...

Sometime around 8pm, SOME OTHER DUDE gonna draw a ticket from the bowl/cup/god knows what that says WHEELS on it. IF YR number gets called. You yell, scream, whatever and make YR way to where I'm announcing (probably the PA) and SOME OTHER DUDE is gonna hand you a set of JOEY PEPPER AUTOBAHN WHEELS. SOME OTHER DUDE and you snap a photo and text it to me and then you wander away and do whatever you want with your new wheels.
About 30 seconds after that happens SOME OTHER DUDE is gonna draw another ticket from a different bowl/cup/god knows what that says DECK on it. IF YR number gets called. You yell, scream, whatever and make YR way to where SOME OTHER DUDE is announcing (probably the PA) and he's gonna hand you a FOUNDATION SKATEBOARDS DECK. SOME OTHER DUDE and you snap a photo and text it to me and then you wander away and do whatever it is with a slightly used, not cracked, maybe warped deck, that you want to do. 


- Jim Nowhere

Kaskitayo Today!

This is happening today!
So get your asses down to Kaskitayo Skatepark and get a sesh happening.

We're gonna be onsite from about 1:30pm - 4:30pm
We've got some 2nd Pressings of the File Under Music Comp
(Each CD comes with a download code as well, as it's the only way you can get your hands on Issue 1)
We've also a few Zine+Comp download codes left as well.

Special pricing for this event is:

CD COMP $5.00

$2.00 from each CD will be donated to the water supply fund
$1.50 from each ZINE/COMP DL CODE will be donated to the water supply fund

Don't live in Edmonton? Can't make it to the park? Want to donate anyways? Cool.
$1.50 from each ZINE/COMP purchased at http://onthewallzine.bandcamp.com until Aug 16th will be donated to CRBM's water supply fund.

Both are in limited supply, once this pressing of CDs is gone, we will not be doing another run of them.
Once these download codes are gone, no more will be made available, though you'll still be able to buy the digital copy from http://onthewallzine.bandcamp.com

- Jim Nowhere
Sadly our costs on producing the Comp, digital or CD version still need to be covered. BUT feel free to donate directly to the cause, I'm sure they're gonna have people around to make sure you can do that.


McKernan Sesh - UPDATE!

So we totally didn't realize that there was a KILLER gig happening down at Wunderbar on Sunday afternoon with a couple of our favourite bands the Rhubarbs & Micelli.
It's part of the new Bermuda Fest that is going on.
More info here: http://www.facebook.com/bermudafest

Might even give one of the board away to whoever does the gnarliest boneless off the back steps at Wunderbar.... it's pretty safe to say its a fun little unsafe spot to skate.

SO we're gonna skate, at McKernan, after the show, instead of while it is happening.
Probably roll in around 6:30pm and stay till 10ish..

You're all still welcome to show up whenever..

oh and jim got bit by a pothole this afternoon.. so look for the guy with some road scars..

- On The Wall 'Zine


It's a killer cause with killer bands.

While trolling the ol FB feed spotted this killer Kaskitayo Fund Raiser that is going down on August 11th 2013
Its FREE, though Donations will be greatly appreciated.
A lot of amazing bands
and the 3 Top Billed bands are all on our "File Under Music" Comp.
we're gonna try and hook those bands up with some DIY copies to sell, with the proceeds being donated towards KASK.

The CRBM is trying to raise some cash to get a source of water at the skatepark so that we don't need to spend all our hard earned cash at the 7/11 or be heading into the YMCA to grab water from the fountain...

Head out and support your local Skate & Punk Scene.

(We're gonna see about maybe setting up a booth for a bit as well.. but can't promise it'll happen, or that we'll be there all day unless we get some Volunteers to run it for us, as Jim has a gig in Red Deer that evening..)

Facebook Event Page: http://www.facebook.com/events/389853691114577/
The CRBM: http://www.facebook.com/thecrbm

- On The Wall


McKernan Park Sesh!

Sunday August 4th. 2pm.

Whoever shows up, shows up.
We're gonna sesh from 2 - 5pm
It's a long weekend, so there is a chance that we'll be hanging out for a while after.
Gonna print up a few more copies of Issue 1 as well for people. (available for $1 each)

details on the FB event:

Also poked through Jim's skate parts box.. found some wheels to give away (sadly no bearings in skate shape at the moment.. cept maybe some ABEC1s that he's kept for some odd reason or another..)

Autobahn Joey Pepper 52s / Zero Brockell 51s

Also in the spirit of giving away stuff that Jim doesn't ride anymore, and he needs more space on his walls for art that aren't old skate decks.. We're gonna find new homes for two Decks that are in great shape, a little old, loads of flex left, not even pressure cracked!
 Foundation Dan Murphy Deck 8.06" / Krooked Mark Gonzales Deck 8.12"

They're even already gripped and sticker'd for you posers who may want to try and win them..
We're not quite sure what you'll have to do to win them yet.. but it'll be something.

Hope to see you on Sunday!

- On The Wall `Zine