
Fat Dave - an interview

'Fat Dave' Johnson

Alright so Fat Dave Johnson... 
We all know who Fat Dave is right? Well I had the chance to talk to him a little bit about the new Fuzz Kings LP, guitars & gear, and a little bit about what drives him to keep putting out music this far into the game.

Jim Nowhere: I've a few questions to shoot your way regarding this new release you and your boys are putting out "Accentuate Everything" but I figure the best way to start is to learn a little about you and your history within the Edmonton music scene(s).  So lets cut through the crap and just get started.
Who are you and why should people check out your music?

Fat Dave: I'm Fat Dave, I'm an internationally renowned singer, songwriter and guitar player who writes catchy, tongue-in-cheek tunes that make girls stop and stare. 

I'm a head-turning, charismatic entertainer and musical heavyweight. I might be the best at what I do, and my super-musical heavyweight rhythm section in THE FUZZ KINGS is air-tight... 

JN: How long have you been playing in bands?

FD: I just passed the 16 year mark. 

JN: After catching a few of your live performances, I've noticed you've a few different instruments, what would you say your main live rig is?

FD: Mainly I've been using my American 60th anniversary telecaster through a Fender Blues Jr & ext cabinet in stereo with an excelsior 1x15 combo, split with stereo slap-back delay. 

When I'm feeling silly u bring out a Leslie cabinet as well. 

JN: Now what did you use when recording this album?

FD: Blues Jr power section through an avatar 2x12 cabinet, fender teles and a fender marauder. 

Acoustic parts were played on a beat up old 1956 Gibson J45 and I also used an old electric accordion that I found at value village years back. 

When writing a song, do you approach it differently for the Fuzz Kings, `Ol Smashy, the Fat Dave Crime Wave, or solo, or do you just go with what comes and find a way to make it work within the "confines" of each project?

Songwriting has evolved for me as I've gone through becoming a dad and dealing with divorce, new love, various old cars... And the timeline of bands follows suit somehow. 

Out of the crime wave came ol' smashy... As did the beginning of the end of my marriage. Ol' smashy was something to do more than anything. I just wanted to keep momentum while I figured out what my next real step was...

Which is when I found myself hiring out to Jake Ian and the haymakers and Sherry-Lee Wisor. I was trying to get my bearings and it took a while, but playing music with those bands that I wouldn't normally have chosen to play definitely helped form my decisions and improve my chops in other settings. 

I'm a more traditional player because of it, but I've maintained the rock and roll growl as well. 

Everything is refined and intentional, like it was in the crime wave days, but stylistically different. 

JN: What would you say the main difference between recording a Fuzz Kings record is vs say `Ol Smashy?

FD: The fuzz kings is a little more slick. Just as punchy as ol' smashy but more precise. Less 'smashy' I guess... The songwriting is more upbeat and the delivery is stronger. More finesse. 

JN: Where will the fine folks of the world be able to grab this new release?

FD: Online through thefuzzkings.bandcamp.com and locally at permanent records, freecloud, and a few other places, I'm sure. 

It should be out around the town within a few days of the release party on March 16th at The Artery. 

JN:And if they want to check you cats out online where would they be able to find you?

JN: Anything else you'd like to say?

FD: This is the most seriously I've taken a musical endeavor since the demise of The Fat Dave Crime Wave, and it totally shows. Definitely worth a listen. 

JN: Thank you very much for taking the time to participate.

FD: Thanks, Jim. 


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