
Do you like FREE STUFF?

I know that we like free stuff, specifically free stuff that we can listen too.  So here is the situation, we've gone and setup an Instagram feed, because that is what all the cool people are doing, or something.  We even tossed a link to it over on the right hand side of the page --->

But more importantly now we want to give stuff away for free, to people who want to interact with us on instagram. That's right, give stuff away to YOU, THE READER. Odd, I know.

So here is the deal, over the next while if you happen to bail, or focus (What? No one says "Focus" anymore? Okay, so.. Snap, Break, Destroy then..) your deck just hope that someone caught a photo of it.  Then you take said photo, toss it up on the `ol InstaLame and make sure that you tag it for us to see.

@OnTheWallZine #BrokenBoards

We're gonna pick out our favourite TEN over the next little while and hook you all up with a FREE download of the File Under Music compilation, and include the photos in the next issue of On The Wall.

Out of those ten photos we're going to choose ONE to be featured on the cover of Vol.1 Issue 2: Broken Boards (Due out Dec 13)

Here's the kicker, this contest is open WORLDWIDE, so EVERYONE can enter it, not just the kids around here.

We want to see it all.

- Jim Nowhere

Ed note: IF you are a winner we will be contacting you on Instagram and asking you to email us your photo to use, and sending you the download code at that time.
No Purchase required, Open to All.
On The Wall Zine is not responsible for any injuries or damage to property that may occur due to this contest.


Allrose Skateboards turns 21...

I'm a bit of a packrat when it comes to old broken skateboards and just memorable items. But this one is special to me, it was my first non-whale tail deck.  at some point in time in gr. 7 (1992/3) I had a buddy take me over to this new underground skateshop a couple kids had started out of their parents basement.

Well here we are 21 years later, I've spent god knows how much money in that shop, DJ'd a skate comp for them back in 2002/3 and they just moved into a stellar new location (they have been out of the basement for a v. long time now) and are celebrating 21 years of Being in business, it's the oldest still open skateshop in Red Deer, AB. Still skater owned and skater run. so here is to at least 21 more Allrose Skateboards! Good luck with the new local on Ross St.  (about 200' south of the previous location, give or take..)

still supporting the little guys..

- Jim Nowhere

Allrose Skateboards - http://www.allrose.ca



Shooting with film is a way of life for some, for others a choice, for most folks I spot at parks these days probably a form of confusion.. I switched over to a digital SLR a couple years back, a choice that has saved me quite a bit in developing, but one that has never really sat well with me on how things look, and catching just that right moment..

so 2013 I'm going back to shooting 35mm film for the summer, though i'm sure more then a few iPhone photos will pop up at the same time, what with the new InstaLame account (http://instagram.com/OnTheWalLZine).

Summer 2009 was the last time I shot a full season with just film, here are some highlights, just to get things rocking for the new year.

-Jim Nowhere


We're Back

Well, 3000+ Kms and scenery that might as well have been an unmoving painting.  Just want to apologize to anyone who bought via mail order over the weekend, those should be getting sent out to you later today/first thing tomorrow, sorry for the delay.

The other thing is we made some pre-lim work on the Distro, but just really not happy with the flat rate shipping, esp for those who are only ordering Zine's in bundles of ten or more, so we're looking into changing that asap.

If you've never traveled across Canada via the Trans-Canada Highway, there isn't very much to see, but I do recommend it for sorting out your head, lots of time to stare at nothing and clear out a bunch of useless thoughts that may have hidden themselves away.

More later, including photos from shows, shots of the prairies (I swear they weren't all taken at the same spot),  and what started out as a Tour Diary, and turned into a review of the gig in Medicine Hat.

Also keep posted, as we're about to announce an Instagram contest for some free DL codes, and a chance to be on the cover of Vol.1 Issue 2

-Jim Nowhere


Hey, Zeus On Heroin

Let me tell you about this experience I had in a strange dream. It was a hot summer day in a suburb I’ve probably never visited in real life. I was at the top of a street, slanted downhill. It was midday. I found myself in a streetluge - which is nothing like luging in the winter. It’s a lot like skateboarding only…with your body laying flat on the board – going down this street so fast my eyes couldn’t see anything, the lines all blurring into undistinguishable shapes and masses. The fear of hitting something and my body launching far into the air was only eclipsed by the fear of suddenly stopping in a dead halt with none of the answers to my questions realized.

Why was I not skateboarding? Why was I not thinking of other things I could have been doing? What was so special about going down that hill like road on a board? The only suitable answer I could come up with apart from the retort that it was a dream and I can dream whatever my subconscious demands me to is that I was seeking some sort of subconscious mental assault, an idea that sounds pretty bogus anyway.

Yet, listening to Zero Cool’s most recent album “Hey, Zeus on Heroin” is the equivalent of strapping yourself in and careening down a street at speeds you’ll do best to avoid reaching in any other situation, unless you’re a speed junkie in which case is a totally cool decision. Once the tense apocalyptic introduction to “Square Pusher” ends, the album rushes at a breakneck pace, stopping for no one. It’s rooted in late 80s, early 90s skate/thrash punk with a lyrical focus on all the wrong things, samples of speeches from dudes like MLK or the guy on ‘We’re All Going to Hell’ proclaiming the rock and roll lifestyle to be strange don’t seem out of place in the Zero Cool universe.

Having the ability to play faster than everyone else is something a lot of punk bands strive for but what makes the songs on “Hey, Zeus…” interesting is the brevity and the amount of dynamics present. It helps that the album’s production avoids the thin, trebly production most punk rock albums seem to suffer from and beefs the guitars and drums, resulting in an album that never wavers from its mission statement in delivering a high quality sound barrage that both entertains and provokes.


Projekt Mersh!

Hey non-Edmontonian's we've been getting some requests from folks who want a copy of the zine but aren't in our Distro area (Edmonton/Red Deer, Alberta.) So we've decided to do something about it.

First things first, if you're just looking for a single copy for yourself, you can hit up the Merch page on the bandcamp site: http://onthewallzine.bandcamp.com/merch and snag it for $1.00 (CAD) + Shipping.

Secondly, if you're a shop who wants to carry On The Wall `Zine we're more then happy to do that with you, and we're working on the details right now. As soon as it's all sorted you'll find a link on the right hand side of the page that reads "Distro" or you can just bookmark www.onthewall-zine.com/p/distro.html and eventually it won't show you a 404 error.

I hope to be doing nothing but stuffing zine's into envelopes for the next few days, so get to ordering.

-Jim Nowhere

Thiebaud and a Reason For Living

So a little while back I did a little post up about Jim Thiebaud, one of the driving forces behind SF's Real Skateboards/Deluxe Distribution,  while earlier today the dudes over at Strange Notes posted up another gem from the Santa Cruz archives. So reposted below is Jim's part from the 1990 "Reason For Living" video.



Jeff Grosso’s Love letters

In case you're not really down with all these "old" pool skaters, you really should go back and take a look at Jeff Grosso's career. The easiest way would be to head over to ye ol Chrome Ball Incident. Once your done over there then head over to Van's website and check out Jeff's Love letters To Skateboarding. I've been watching them since he started doing them a while back, and he's just about to kick off season 4. Check out the trailer. Then head back and checkout all the episodes that you've missed.

-Jim Nowhere


File Under Music - Now Available!

Great News Everyone!
File Under Music is off to the photocopier, and the Digital Version of the Compilation is now available for purchase at: http://onthewallzine.bandcamp.com/album/file-under-music

The print Zine will be available at all local shops on May 15 2013 in Edmonton, AB


Vol 1 Issue 1: File Under Music

SO, you may have noticed that May 1st has come and gone, and yet not a sign of On The Wall `Zine anywhere about Edmonton. Not a copy in sight. Don't worry, they didn't all get snapped up while you weren't paying attention.  What has happened is something that I can't say I didn't anticipate, see we missed our first deadline.  However, that just means that it is going to be a little delayed.

On The Wall `Zine Vol 1 Issue 1 Due out May 1 2013 May 15 2013.

You'll be able to hunt down a copy at these fine establishments:

Independent Skater Owned & Operated Skate Shops:
Showdown Tattoo & Skateboards (97 St & 106 Ave, China Town)
Independent Locally Owned & Operated Record Shops:
Freecloud Records (101 St & 108 Ave)
Listen Records (124 St & Stony Plain Road)
Permanent Records (Gateway Blvd & Whyte Ave)
Blackbyrd Myoozik (Whyte Ave & 105 St)
Sound Connection (Whyte Ave & 100 St)

Shady Music Venues & Pubs That May Have a Copy Laying Around:
DV8 Tavern (99 St & 83 Ave)
Wunderbar (Whyte Ave & 101 St)
Hooliganz Pub (124 St & 107 Ave)

NOW, onto the next piece of business, the compilation album "File Under Music" has also been delayed.  This is a little less under our direct control. Firstly none of the bands involved are to blame.  WE just happened to not realize how quickly time passes, and with an estimated turn around time on the cassette duplication and shipping being about three weeks, and us always further extending the deadline for submissions, well it all kind of got a little out of hand.

SO, with any luck the compilation album should be available for download on May 15, 2013 with the limited edition cassettes becoming available on June 1, 2013.  Pre orders for the Cassettes will be available. Hopefully not every copy will disappear during the two week pre-order phase as these will not be re-issued.

Vol 1 Issue 1

The Mange
Good Friday Brawl
Jim Nowhere
Zero Cool
The Rhubarbs
Down The Hatch
Gorgon Horde
The Anatomy Cats
Spastic Panthers
Fire Next Time

- Jim Nowhere

*Edited at 5:50PM MDT for correct Zine cover art, and complete Band list for the compilation


umm, so it looks like Jason Dill and AVE have left alien..

 I found out via DGKalis on instagram.. how about you?


anyways, this doesn't effect skateboarding in edmonton at all..
but if you want to check out some of Dill's earlier coverage, head over to the Chrome Ball Incident, just click the link on your right (unless you're rocking a mobile phone, then just tap the link above)


also, slight delay in the production of the compilations/zines but don't worry I suspect you'll see them very soon.

- Jim Nowhere


Since Day One

As many of you are aware, Jim Thiebaud is a bit of a role model of mine, maybe some would say a little bit of a hero.  From following his passions, and just doing everything in his power, he helped to build a bit of a modern day utopia of skater owned and operated companies. Back in 1992 him and TG started up Real Skateboards under the Deluxe Distribution banner (who at that point was just Spitfire and Thunder Trucks, if my memory serves..)

The first time I saw a Jim skate was back in 1989 on a VHS tape, from the folks over at Santa Cruz, and the kids at Strange Notes just tossed that clip up online today, so I thought I'd share it with you, so you can see why this dude has inspired me so over the past two decades.

- Jim Nowhere